Professional Accounting Services in Charlotte, NC

Serving Individuals and Businesses in Charlotte since 1977

Since 1977, Scharf Pera & Co., PLLC has worked with individuals and businesses to help them keep more of their money, build wealth, and secure a bright future with professional tax, accounting, and auditing services.

Our approach is a simple one. We advocate for our client’s best interests because we are here to serve you. Backed by the experience that only decades in business can provide, Scharf Pera & Co., PLLC focus remains on quality. We deliver on that promise with responsiveness, dedication, knowledge, expertise, and communication.

Accounting Solutions We Provide

Our team is here to help you make smart decisions about your money and build the financial future you’ve been dreaming of. With Scharf Pera & Co., PLLC by your side, you can worry less about your money and focus more on your life and business.

Each client is unique, so each financial strategy we recommend is unique. We are committed to understanding your financial health, goals, and concerns so you can be confident in your wealth.

We provide a variety of accounting and auditing services to clients in both North Carolina and South Carolina. Whether you’re an individual or business, we can specifically assist you with:

Businesses We Work With

Scharf Pera & Co., PLLC works with businesses of all sizes, so whether you’re a small, family owned business or a large national corporation, we are dedicated to your financial success. Here are just a few of the industries we have experience in:

Get to Know Charlotte

There’s a reason we’ve been in Charlotte since we started—this area has many activities and amenities. Check out some of our favorite things to do here:

Let’s Discuss Your Financial Success

Our firm has been helping both individuals and businesses create bright futures for their finances since 1977.